Encrypted field Home

How it works

Encrypted Field is an app that adds a new custom field type to your Jira, enabling you to create new custom fields that can encrypt and decrypt a given string/text you provide the field. The encryption and decryption of the field happen on the client side (such that the confidential information is never sent to the server.)

In short Encrypted Field enables you to:

  • Add a custom field of the type “Encrypted Field”

  • Encrypt strings/text (client side) and decrypt it later (when editing the issue)

  • Re-encrypt the field with other information when editing the issue(s)

  • Users without edit permission can decrypt the encrypted data when viewing the issue(s) (and hide it again)

  • The information is never sent to the server (when encrypted or when shown decrypted)

How to use Encrypted Field

  • Start by creating a custom field of the type “Encrypted Field “

    • Add the field to the project(s) and the right screen(s)

  • Then navigate to the project the custom field is linked to and open up an issue

    • If the field isn’t automatically added to the issues when you set the screens, add them to the issues by editing the issue type.

  • Scroll down to you find the field you’ve created

    • First, you are prompted to enter the string/text you want to encrypt, then click the “Continue” button.


      • This will clear the field.

    • You are now prompted to enter the encryption key with which you want to encrypt your string/text. Now enter the key you wish to encrypt with; enter a key that you can remember or write down so you won’t forget.


      • The key should be one string of at least eight characters (This shouldn’t be your Jira password!)

    • Now Click the button that says “Encrypt”. This will clear the field again and encrypt your string/text with the key you chose.

    • Create/update the issues to save the contents and the key.

  • To decrypt the field and display its contents, open the issues, scroll down, and find the field.

    • Start by clicking the button “Decrypt” and entering your key.


    • Then click the button again to display the contents.


    • Click “Hide” to hide the contents or “Reset/Encrypt New” to give the field a new string/text and encryption key.

  • You can also “Reset/Encrypt New” without decrypting the field first.

    • Open the issue and scroll down to you find your field, and instead of clicking the “decrypt” button, click the “Reset/Encrypt New” button to its right