Issue Type Notification Schemes

The notification schemes are mapped through an Issue Type notification scheme. You can create new schemes and associate them to projects as you normally do. If in doubt of how to create these, we refer to Atlassian’s documentation on issue type schemes:


An Issue type notification scheme is basically a set rules that maps an Issue Type to a traditional notification scheme. You can also set the default notification scheme to use if no rule is set for an issue type.

​How to create an Issue Type Notification Scheme

Go to your settings and click Issues

From here you need to scroll down in the left panel until you see the Issue Type Notification Scheme button


From here you can add schemes as you like by clicking the ‘Add Scheme’ button up right



You can now edit the issue type notification scheme as you like:

When going back to the scheme overview you can now see all of your newly added issue type notification schemes and with these you can associate them to projects, edit them, copy them and delete them.

If you have any questions regarding the application, please do not hesitate contacting us at:

Best Regards,

Team Aety