

I created some requests, but they don’t appear on the ServiceDesk page, why?

This is working but is only showing the ‘correct’ requests.

How to setup a correct request:

  1. Choose a correct type that needs approval like ‘Computers > New mobile device’

  2. In ‘Who is your manager?’ select the user you are using to check approvals.

  3. Create the request

  4. Go to either approvals (/servicedesk/customer/user/approvals) or requests (servicedesk/customer/user/requests)

  5. Make sure that you either created the request through the servicedesk, or within the main JSM page when you explicitly have a Request type on the sidebar in the Jira portal for each of the open requests that you need to render in requests.

  6. The request now appears under the approvals page with the columns configuration that is set. EG:

I have an incident that is confirmed to be related to the Ultimate Customizer back-end, what information does the support team need?

we would like you to send us the Atlassian log file so we can understand what went wrong.

To set the log level:

  • Go to Jira → System → Logging and profiling

  • Under default loggers, select “Configure logging level for another package”.

  • Under the package name, put: com.prontop

  • Select logging level DEBUG.

To export the log file:

  • Go to Jira → System → Troubleshooting and support tools.

  • Click customize zip → unselect all except: “Tomcat Logs” & “Jira application logs”.

  • Now download the zip, and attach it to this ticket.

I have an incident that is confirmed to be related to the Ultimate Customizer front-end, what information does the support team need?

We would need a HAR file for that purpose with the cleared network requests until you could reproduce the problem completely

Generating a HAR file in Google Chrome™:

  1. Open Google Chrome™

  2. Browse to the target page

  3. In the Google Chrome™ menu (⋮) at the upper right, click More Tools> Developer Tools

  4. A window opens (in this window you can find tabs named Elements, Console, Network, Performance,...)

  5. Open the Network tab

  6. Press the Preserve log, in the menu under Network

  7. Reproduce the problem as requested by the Support team

  8. As soon as the problem is reproduced, results show up in the table with some columns (Name, Method, Status,...). Click with the right button of the mouse over any of those results

  9. In the opened menu, click Save all as HAR with Content

  10. A window opens requesting a location to save the file

  11. Send the file to the Support team for analysis

Generating a HAR file in Firefox™:

  1. Open Firefox™

  2. Browse to the target page

  3. In Firefox™ () at the upper right, go to Web Developer > Network

  4. A window opens (in this window you can find tabs named Inspector, Console, Debugger, Network Style Editor,...)

  5. The Network tab is selected

  6. In the menu under Network, on the right side, click the gear with the name Network Settings > Persist logs

  7. Reproduce the problem as requested by the Support team

  8. As soon as the problem is reproduced, results show up in the table with some columns (Name, Method, Status,...). Click with the right button of the mouse over any of those results

  9. In the opened menu, click the Save all as HAR option

  10. A window opens requesting a location to save the file

  11. Send the file to the Support team for analysis

Generating a HAR file in Microsoft Edge:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge

  2. Browse to the target page

  3. In the Microsoft Edge menu (...), go to More Tools> Developer Tools

  4. A window opens (in this window you can find tabs named Elements, Console, Debugger, Network, Performance,...)

  5. Open the Network tab

  6. Deactivate Clear entries on navigate by pressing the eighth button (from left to right)

  7. Reproduce the problem as requested by the Support team

  8. Click Export as HAR (third button from left to right)

  9. A window opens requesting a location to save the file

  10. Send the file to the Support team for analysis

Generating a HAR file in Internet Explorer:

  1. Open Internet Explorer

  2. Browse to the target page

  3. In the Internet Explorer menu (⚙), click the Developer Tools option

  4. A window opens (in this window you can find tabs named F12, DOM Explorer, Console, Debugger, Network,...)

  5. Open the Network tab

  6. Deactivate Clear entries on navigate by pressing the eighth button (from left to right)

  7. Reproduce the problem as requested by the Support team

  8. Click Export as HAR (third button from left to right)

  9. A window opens requesting a location to save the file

  10. Send the file to the Support team for analysis

Thanks to IBM for the detailed guide on HAR file generation.

I accidentally deleted the login screen view, how can I log back into the service?

If the login screen view is deleted, saved with Module based design, and the administrator user logs out, the service desk is inaccessible unless it is enabled again. One could see it back if writing in the web browser console the following:

document.getElementById("content").style.display = "block";

I cannot access the Permissions or Documentation page on Chrome

Using browser extensions, such as LastPass for Google Chrome, may overwrite external links such as Permissions and Documentation, please consider temporarily disabling the extension not to overwrite your Browser from opening plain URL links.

I need a linked knowledge base to access /kb pages, how do I set it up?

It can be done by setting up a Confluence instance. To do so,

1. Start a confluence instance

  1. Start a shell in an empty folder

  2. Run confluence as a standalone instance (with extra memory)

atlas-run-standalone --product confluence --jvmargs "-Xmx1024m -Xms1024m"

2. Start a Jira app instance

  1. From an app project folder run atlas-run (with desired profiles)

atlas-run -P packrelease,ascustomizer,withdb,nolicenserequired

3. Setup connection from Jira to Confluence

  • Make sure the base URL is correct in Jira.
    Go to ⚙️ > System > General configuration (Base URL).
    Set the URL to the one in the browser, eg. <http:localhost:2990/jira>.

  • Create an app link from Jira to Confluence

    1. Go to ⚙️ > Applications

    2. Renew a [time-bomb license](https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/marketplace/timebomb-licenses-for-testing-server-apps/ ) if needed

    3. <!--
      Go to the Application links
      Click the Create link to link our running UC app.
      Select Atlassian product.
      Add http://localhost:1990/confluence as the Application URL

    4. Follow the redirect to confluence and confirm the link from confluence to Jira


  • Setup knowledge base for the project in Jira

    1. In Jira, go to project settings > Knowledge base

    2. Link to a confluence space

    3. Set viewing to All active ...





4. Troubleshoot

If the link from Jira to Confluence fails, make sure that their app link is using the same Auth.

Else try to delete the app link in both and set it up again.

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