Global settings
Where are you?
The global system settings can be accessed from the Help Center page or from a specific portal
The link structure will normally be:
Global JavaScript/CSS
The app allows you to insert javascript and CSS.
JS will be evaluated when a page is loaded. CSS is injected automatically.
For javascript you have some variables available:
window.AJS.$ - contains a jQuery selector
window.ULTIMATE_SERVICEDESK_LOCATION - this contains info about the current location/page.
If you unfortunately input js/css that make the page not load, then add the following parameter and value to the URL: ?globaljs=false or ?globalcss=false. This will make the js/css not load.
Then correct your js/css and try reloading the page without the parameters.
As a last resort, if page still fails to load because of js/css, then call the following urls to clear the content (js or css):
A good template for adding JS is this:
if(window.CUSTOM_CODE_LOADED == true) {
window.CUSTOM_CODE_LOADED = true;
window.Portal.Api.on("pageLoaded", function(){
console.log("do stuff on new view, e.g. check if missing to insert text")
Start by going to configuration options on the service desk and select Global JavaScript/CSS from the administration top bar. You will be met with a dialog with 2 tabs. Go to the CSS tab
Here we can add custom CSS. An example for the front page could be that we wanted to change the color and font of the “cv-help-center-page-title”. (The title that customers are met with on /jira/servicedesk/customer/portals).
You can use your web browsers inspector (Usually found by clicking f12) to inspect elements and find their html id or class. See how CSS selectors work and more here:
In the custom css dialog we decide that we would like to try a different font and color for the title, so we add the following css:
#cv-help-center-page-title {
font-family: "Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans", cursive;
font-weight: bold;
color: #ff4211;
When we refresh the page, we should be met with this:
Edit footer content
The App allows you to insert custom text or HTML to the footer.
The app allows you to upload files to use in HTML modules. Go to Ultimate menu → Files. Upload and administer files here.
You can use these files in HTML modules to present as images or download links.
Delegated project admin
Go to permissions, and enable it. When enabled, project admins can edit portal pages that belong to the project.