Configuring the Portal

Configuring the Portal

Where are you?


  • How to get there

  • Basic configuration

  • Module based configuration

There are 5 types of portal pages:

  • Main portal page. It has url ./servicedesk/customer/portal/X, where X is the portal ID, e.g. 4.

  • Request create page. Example url: /servicedesk/customer/portal/10/create/87.

  • Request detail page. This page shows a request from the portal/project. Url example: ../servicedesk/customer/portal/10/EF-6. This page is normally accessed through emails, or the requests page.

  • Portal login/signup page. Can be edited by clickling edit login page (when on a portal main page).

The project admin can upload and delete own files. In the Ultimate → Files, there will be two buttons: Global and User files.

Global are the ones the (sys)admin uploaded. User files are the one that the user (project admin) uploaded.




Request Types visibility

The request types of a portal can be restricted wrt. visibility. (Sys)Admin goes to any portal, then in the Ultimate menu, Request types visibility can be clicked. A request type can be restricted to groups and/or organisations (at least one should be fulfilled to be able to view). A request type also can be disabled. If nothing is set for a request type, then it's visible.

Categories based view of portals

This is on the main page (/portals) module.

Go to the /portals page. Click edit below the list of portals. (Or if you have enabled ”Module based” design, you first need to click Edit in the top, before you can edit the module.)

A window opens where you can group the portals into categories, and then the portals are shown in a tab view instead.

You can sort the portals to change the order of things. Other options are also available.


Each page has a default module (containing content that would be shown if a module based design was not used). Some of those has editable options.

List of portals / Category view

Read above about "Categories based view of portals".

Request list (all requests, current requestt and so on)

Read about this module above in "Additional request fields, search fields, csv export and sorting".

HTML (upload images, or link to files)

Use source editor or the Rich Text Editor to create HTML. You can show uploaded images as well, and link to uploaded files.


Show an announcement on the page.

Search bar

Applicable on all pages. It shows a search bar (equivalent to the standard one).

Recent portals, popular portals

Modules that shows recent selected portals, and popular portals. These are applicable on most pages.

Request details + requests actions

On the page showing request details, you can add a module that shows additional fields, actions and such. This is great to put in a side bar. When inserted, it will automatically take the share and actions from the main module.


Designing pages in Jira Service Management

Design (Original vs Module based)

Any page in the Service Desk customer portal area can be edited. The standard design for a page is the Original JSD Design. But you can use a module build-up instead.

Using modules means everything comes in modules (even the standard content). 

If using a standard design, the main content of a page can be edited by clicking the Customize button in the top menu.

If using modules, means everything comes in modules, and edits are made through editing the page and then editing the modules.

Using module-based design

When on a page, click "Change design" in the Ultimate menu. Choose the module based design. Click OK.

You will now see the page is rendered differently, which is the module design.

The page now consists of rows with columns with modules. Each row can be edited to display side bars, or a custom responsive layout (based on the Bootstrap Grid System. Please look into that for a complete understanding. It's simple).

Each column contains modules that fills the width. You can add and remove modules (read about modules beneath).

Normally, each page has a default module that's already in there. E.g. for the /portals page, the default module is the list of portals.

Remember to save your stuff. Note that module based pages are saved in versions, such that you can return to a previous one at a later time (use the versions button to see a list of versions).

Note that everything is published as your edit. Users will see changes instantly.

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