Searching JIRA users
The User Export for Jira is made of two major components:
Searching Jira users.
Exporting Jira users.
This section focuses on searching Jira users by using the user interface in the User management section of the Jira administration user interface.
The user interface in the User Export for Jira is very similar to the well known Users search in the Jira User Management area. But some minor changes have been made in order to make the search a bit more powerful.
Please use if you have any questions or bug findings regarding the search functionality.
User Export for Jira user interface search screenshot
Search filtering
To limit the search result several fields can be used.
Field name | Field description | Field values |
Filter users | The search string to use for search. | Search Jira users by fullname, username or email address. |
In group | Filter by Jira group. | One or more Jira groups to select. Embedded search is possible. |
Application access | Filter on the application access. | All, Any, None, Jira Service Desk (if installed), Jira Software, Jira Core or other applications if installed |
Status | Filter on the actual Jira user status. | Active, Inactive |
Search options
It is possible to adjust the search result by applying several search options.
Option name | Option description |
Users per page | How many Jira users should be listed for each search page. 10, 20, 50 and 100 is possible options. |
Filter | Button for executing the actual Jira user search. You will have to click the Filter button each time a search field value has been changed. |
Reset | Button for resetting the search completely. |
Pagination/Paging | Show the number of pages for the search result. |